The whole of the monument of the regional data had the shape of the quadrangle lay alongside the cage with the application of conception of Tri Mandala:
1. as Main Mandala was the yard/the building that most ditengah
2. as Middle-level Mandala was the yard that orbited Main Mandala
3. as the Mandala Insult were the most outside yard that orbited Middle-level Mandala
2. as Middle-level Mandala was the yard that orbited Main Mandala
3. as the Mandala Insult were the most outside yard that orbited Middle-level Mandala
The building of the monument building in Main Mandala was compiled into 3 floors: Utamaning Utama Mandala was the floor 3 positioned highest functioned as peace space, the very quiet place enjoyed the atmosphere of the distance around the monument.
Madyaning Utama Mandala was the floor 2 functioned as the place diaroma that was numbering 33 units. The floor 2 this as the place of the miniature display of the struggle for the Balinese people from the period to the period. In this exterior of room surrounds was gotten the veranda or the terrace was open to enjoy the atmosphere of surrounds.
Nistaning Utama Mandala was the ground floor of the Monumen Building, that was gotten information space, space keperpustakaan, exhibition space, the conference room, administrative space, the building and toilet. In the middle of-was the room was gotten the lake that was given by the name as the Tasik navel, eight main masts but also the ladder rose have the shape of tapak the virgin.
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