Kamis, 22 November 2007

The monument of Garuda Wisnu Gold

The Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue was located in the Unggasan Hill - Jimbaran, Bali. This statue was the work pematung famous Bali, I Nyoman Nuarta. This monument was developed as the cultural garden and into the icon for Balinese tourism and Indonesia.This statue was in the form of the God Wisnu that in the Hindu religion was the God of the Patron, drove Garuda birds.The leading figure Garuda could be seen in the story Garuda & his kingdom that told a story concerning the feeling of the service and the Garuda birds sacrifice of rescuing his mother from slavery that finally had been protected by the God Wisnu.

This statue was projected to tie the layout with the distance of the look up to 20 km so as to be able to be seen from Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua to the Lot Land. This Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue was the symbol of the rescue mission of the environment and the world. This statue was made from the copper mixture and the steel weighing 4.000 ton, high 75 metre and wide 60 metre.

Selasa, 20 November 2007

Batu Bulan

Batubulan was one of the available art villages in Bali especially ukiran the stone statue that was located in the Gianyar Regency approximately 10 km to the side of east from Denpasar. If from Kuta and Nusa Dua approximately needed time 45 minutes.

Next right-left was gotten art shop that displayed the stone statue like: the Buddhist statue, Ganesa, Dewa, Dewi and the purposeful work of art modern, most statues were here made from the stone that came from Bali but had several that were brought in from outside the Balinese island like the Palimanan stone.

This road was very busy that was the tourist route to the Kintamani area, so as art shop-art shop this often was visited by good tourists domestic and international.

In this village almost all the residents had the expertise as pematung the stone for generations and was the source of the main livelihood apart from as the dancer barong and kecak.

Statues that were produced apart from being bought by the Balinese community to decorate the house, the garden, and the hotel also were exported overseas.

Senin, 19 November 2007

Hot Banyuwedang water In Bali

hot Banyuwedang water originated in the hot spring that emerged in the coast and was under water when water rise. the source of biggest hot water, was made the concrete building pengaman in the form of the circle that functioned as the embankment so as when this hot water high tide was not mixed with water laut. this hot water often contained the sulphur with the hot temperature in general 40 derajad celcius. Because of the content of his sulphur that was high enough, then this hot water was trusted in a manner spread even arrived at the Javanese island if this hot water could cure several illnesses especially the skin illness. It is not surprising if many people who came to this place in the hope that his illness could be cured. The coast where being gotten by the source of this hot water was overgrown the mangrove crop that prevented the abrasion coast. Could be said the coast in Banyuwedang this was free from the abrasion. The existence of the gulf and some white sand around it increased tourism assets around Banyumedang this.


Bajra Sandhi was the struggle Monument for the Balinese People to give the honour to the heroes as well as be the symbol of the conservation seed-bed of the spirit of the struggle for the Balinese people from the generation to the generation and from the time to the time that could give the innovation and the inspiration in filling and maintaining unitary state constancy of RI. Lokasi of this monument was located in front of the Office Governor district headthe Balinese province that also in front of the Building of DPRD province Bali Niti Mandala Renon precisely in the Field of Renon bellows.

The whole of the monument of the regional data had the shape of the quadrangle lay alongside the cage with the application of conception of Tri Mandala:

1. as Main Mandala was the yard/the building that most ditengah
2. as Middle-level Mandala was the yard that orbited Main Mandala
3. as the Mandala Insult were the most outside yard that orbited Middle-level Mandala

The building of the monument building in Main Mandala was compiled into 3 floors: Utamaning Utama Mandala was the floor 3 positioned highest functioned as peace space, the very quiet place enjoyed the atmosphere of the distance around the monument.
Madyaning Utama Mandala was the floor 2 functioned as the place diaroma that was numbering 33 units. The floor 2 this as the place of the miniature display of the struggle for the Balinese people from the period to the period. In this exterior of room surrounds was gotten the veranda or the terrace was open to enjoy the atmosphere of surrounds.
Nistaning Utama Mandala was the ground floor of the Monumen Building, that was gotten information space, space keperpustakaan, exhibition space, the conference room, administrative space, the building and toilet. In the middle of-was the room was gotten the lake that was given by the name as the Tasik navel, eight main masts but also the ladder rose have the shape of tapak the virgin.

Sanur Beach Hotel

In the bank of one of the most beautiful coasts in Bali, Sanur Beach Hotel, the perfect place for them who wanted to feel Bali entirely. The Island of the Gods, with various colours and the ceremony vibration from one million temples, the coast nan lovely, the fertile village reforestation with rice rice was organised neat in undak undak the terrace.
In three decades since the first time the guest visited here, Sanur Beach Hotel developed increasingly wide and increasingly was beautified in order to increase the quality quality the international service, with the calm location so as you felt freer.

Was opened also a row of the restaurant and the bar trapped, likewise more modern hotel facilities, and still several choices of the tour to complete your holiday. Not excessive said that live in Sanur Beach Hotel will bring the so pleasant impression so as you will always want to come back and again.
The star hotel of five this was located in the place that was most strategic in the Sanur Coast, the choice that was ideal for the tourists and the person - person of the business.Only 25 minutes from the Ngurah Rai Airport and only 15 minutes from the Denpasar City.The coast in front of this hotel of enough areas and clean from coral of sea coral so as you could relax comfortably in white sand.For that was happy water sport, was available many choices of facilities of water sport in part motorboat and the jet ski in the Sport Sun that was gotten on the west of this coast, now other facilities of water sport as sailing, surfing, boating, and windsurfing in Blue Oasis that was met on the east of the coast.
For the agenda prasmanan and the big meeting, was prepared by Wantilan Convention Center with the capacity 550 people, now for the meeting that his participants fewer, you were kept choosing to use Garuda Room (Max.120 people). To be in a meeting small, was prepared by Jauk Room with the capacity 40 people. All the room was supplemented with audiovisual facilities complete.
Enjoy various servings that will spoil your tongue with the service that was friendly and skilled from these hotel waiters. Various Italia cooking with the Mediterranean touch as well as was accompanied wine the best quality could be found by you in Basilico Italian Pavilion & the Bar, now in Poolside Restaurant Anda Water could enjoy various Indonesian cooking and International. Altenatif other, Peppers Latino Grill & the Bar provided the typical Latin America serving.
To maintain your body fitness, Mandara spa and fitness center that was managed by Grand Odiseus was ready served with the best standard International. Was available also the mature swimming pool and the special swimming pool the child's child that was not far from his playground.